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I say yes

Our bond is something special. I know there are more people like us but I still think we are unique. If you told my younger self that this is my future I would never believe it. Still it’s real. I’m here, I have you and honestly that’s all I want right now. It feels like I was in a hole which you helped me get out of and now we are flying around together. Every time I close my eyes I can see us together. We are close and smiling. When I think of you I get this warm fuzzy feeling. Unlike the butterflies that others feel, I feel more relieved without any worries. The thought of you assures me, it makes me happy. Even though we are kind of complicated we still hang on. I don’t feel any emptiness because when I do your words pop up and blow all the loneliness away.

Not even the starry night sky is as beautiful as you. You are truly wonderful and I am really glad I came to know you. The best things happen at the worst time. Like I often say you made my dead heart beat again. Others would say you broke through my walls of protection that I made to isolate myself.  I can’t imagine a world without you, you’re my reality now and I don’t want to change it. You accept me for who I am, you see though my fake confidence. You take all my insecurities and make them compliments. You say all my imperfections are perfect and I shouldn’t hide them. That’s how nice you are, that’s how your warmth melted my icy personality.

You know everything about me; you’ve always been curious and asked me endless questions. That’s the reason why I can’t lie to you. Sometimes it feels like you can read my thoughts. It’s weird because you obviously can’t hear my voice or see my expressions. You only have words on a white canvas but that’s all you need.

I’ve wondered why I like you so much. What about you makes me so weak. I still don’t know the answer I just know that I feel good with you. You’re the person I belong with.  People might laugh at my feelings because I’m so young and inexperienced but the only thing I care about is you. Let everyone say what they want as long as you feel happy, I’m happy too. Know that I’m always here for you.

I know I’m not like you, but I try my best to make you feel the same as I do. I hope I can be the reason your tears make place for a smile. I hope my voice can be a soothing remedy for when you feel down. I hope that whenever I’m not with you, you can read this and remember how much I love you.

No is what I say when we talk but yes is what I say behind the letters on the screen. I’m not easy to figure out but you are the closest to understanding me. I know often I can be a mess but you never give up. Thank you for that.

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