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Reason II

I was enjoying my evening ,well night, with my friends when I saw him. He was waiting in line to buy a drink. I could see he was getting impatient by the look on his face. But eventhough he was moody, I could see he was actually having a great time at the party. I saw him make a sign to his friends, at that moment he smiled. I know this sounds really cheesy but his smile was beautiful , it somehow made me happy too, like a warm breeze trying to hug you in a cold night. I wasn't paying attention to my friends for a while so one of them actually figured I was looking at someone. She gave me a grin when she noticed. I told her I wasn't looking at anything. ( Behold DENIAL xd) I ended up looking at the guy again. His hair was black , it came from under his cap, under some strands of hair I saw his eyes. They were probably brown but the lights made it seem like they were red. I can see how a person is by his eyes and his eyes just told me he was a kind boy. It changed fast though. A few girls joined his group and at first I thought one of them was his girlfriend but I was wrong because he seemed annoyed by her.The guy and his friends soon left the group of girls and went to the other side of the hall. When he did he passed my group and we made direct eye contact. I wish we didn't, I think he noticed I was staring at him though he did laugh so maybe he didn't mind me staring. That's it , I saw his warm smile, kind eyes and puffed cheeks, but that is all I got from him. That's all what I will ever remember of him and that picture , that memory, will soon leave my mind. I don't want that, I wish I could change time and watch him again. I wish we could meet...after all he is the reason why I still remember that night....

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