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Unknown feeling

Sometimes you have to endure life, because life is an asshole. Being positive in life is important and that’s why I’m writing this. Good things do happen, but you have to wait for them. Patience is a great quality unfortunately not many people have it including me. You have to think of a moment that you were really happy. Moments like those are worth waiting for; they give you a nice feeling. For me this is like the moment when you get home on a winters day. You get a cup of chocolate milk or thee and sit down to watch a movie. The warmth you feel at that moment is priceless. It brings a smile on my face. I feel like I’m safe. It would be great if I could feel like that all the time but then again I wouldn’t know it feels that nice if I always felt like that.

 Sometimes you have to find your own way to achieve this feeling of happiness. Sometimes you have to learn to be happy with what you have or maybe what you have already makes you happy enough. Sometimes the people dear to you can’t be with you. You will miss them so much? You will wait just to hear something from them. A little message from them is like the first sunshine from the day. It gives you assurance that they still think about you.  When that special person sends you a message in the morning, you know that person cares about you. That’s what makes you feel loved. Knowing you will see that special someone in person only makes it better. Waiting for that is not pleasant but somehow it makes the actual moment even more memorable. The fact that you want to see each other so badly may not seem great. However when you see that person you can’t stop staring and smiling. You can’t deny that person is the only thing you care about at that moment. He or she is the one you trust and love. Being close to that person makes you feel safe just like when you are home under a blanket. That’s why they say home is where the person you love is. It’s true because that’s when you feel the happiest. When you are with that person you want time to stop.

Describing how you feel when you are with the person you love is difficult. It might be one of the most difficult things to do. At one moment that person might ask you how much you love them, that question is even harder to answer. There is no way to measure that. How can you show that you love someone so much you can’t imagine your life without them?

If you have someone like that, just don’t let them go. A relationship is a weird thing so if you decide to start one then nurture it. It’s something you work on together. It’s not a one way deal. Find out the good and bad things about a relationship. Don’t give up after a little conflict. If you work things out you might find yourself in a happier situation. You will realize that what you have is valuable and you won’t want to lose it. So don’t make hasty decisions. Time and care will lead to a healthy relationship. Nothing can compare to that love.

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